MOBOTIX is welcoming several partners to its IFSEC booth this year, with products, services and executives from Genetec, Ipsotek, Kentix, SEDI, SeSys and Wavestore. The technology demonstrations from these partners showcases how MOBOTIX innovations in areas such as video encoding, decentralized operation and analytics delivers true end-to-end integrated solutions that solve real world challenges in not only security but other areas such as transportation, healthcare and manufacturing.
“The inclusion of more partners at IFSEC is an example of our ongoing strategy of making MOBOTIX more open and responsive to the needs of our entire ecosystem for the benefit of our customers,” explains Lausten, “MOBOTIX is an innovative company with engineering excellence at its heart and as a global supplier, our inclusive strategy is helping us to enter new markets by providing our partners with more flexibility to address a wider range of projects with our systems.”
The IFSEC presence also highlights several additional themes including cyber security, Internet of Things and advances in artificial intelligence that MOBOTIX technologies play a critical role in delivering as successful projects.
“A number of solutions use our decentralized concept with various sensor technologies and other devices across the network to reliably detect situations and independently initiate actions in responses,” says Lausten, “Our goal is to take our industry beyond human vision and blend sensors, communication and analysis that helps users increase process efficiency and develop innovative business models.”
MOBOTIX AG, Kaiserstrasse, 67722 Langmeil, Tel: +49 6302 9816-0,
Public Relations: Svenja Meisenheimer & Simone Gerrits,