Webinar: VdS-anerkannte MOBOTIX Thermaltechnologie


Mit der VdS-anerkannten MOBOTIX Thermaltechnologie schnell eingreifen, Schaden vermeiden und Menschen schützen

Vertrauen Sie der MOBOTIX Premium-Brandschutzlösung! Die MOBOTIX M16 VdS-Thermalkamera ist zur Verwendung in Umgebungen mit erhöhter Brandgefahr bestimmt. Die Lösung aus Kamera und Zusatzkomponenten ist vom Verband Schadenverhütung GmbH (VdS) mit der Anerkennungsnummer G 222015 zertifiziert.

Mehr erfahren

  • 1 Current Your Request
  • 2 Personal Data

Please tell us who you are

Your Partner Level

How can we help you?

How can we help you?

How can we help you?

MOBOTIX support is primarily available to the trained MOBOTIX partners.

The respective dealers or installers are responsible for the warranty of their customers.

Therefore, the initial contact must always be made through the responsible dealer or distributor.

The factory IP No. of your camera helps us to process your enquiry quicker. Stating the IP No. is not mandatory, though.

Need to contact MOBOTIX Support services?

Try out our new After Sales Support section, exclusive for MOBOTIX Partners, within our MOBOTIX Partner Portal. 

Simply by logging in to your Partner Portal account you can have immediate access to create and view the status of your Professional Services, Technical Support and Repair & Maintenance (RMA) requests – quickly and easily, whenever or wherever you are.

Hint: With "IP No." we refer to the factory IP Adress / serial number. You can enter multiple IP Nos. if necessary.

IP No. needs to have the format 10.[number].[number].[number]

IP Address(es) of your camera(s)

Summary of your Request

Details of your Request