Traffic and Mobility

Drive your own road to success! Smart. Safe. Groundbreaking.

Everything is in the Move!

MOBOTIX road traffic technologies for enhanced safety, smooth processes and new perspectives in smart cities

Today, roads are the lifeblood that pulses through our cities. Sustainability, visionary technologies and groundbreaking mobility concepts create a new framework. Safety always comes first, but effective and sophisticated road management processes are becoming increasingly important. They protect the environment, reduce stress and save money — all with the help of MOBOTIX video technology.



  1. License plate recognition
  2. Traffic management and counting (Smart City)
  3. Container, railcar, and dangerous goods detection
  4. Parking lot organization
  5. Mobile and flexible solutions

Discover MOBOTIX video technology solutions at a glance in our short brochure

Automatic License Plate and Vehicle Recognition

Process automation for enhanced security


MOBOTIX cameras detect license plates in real time, allowing vehicles to be identified using applications such as tracing or access control. Combined with make, model and color recognition, identification is even more precise.


Automated access control

Entry and exit via blocked and safe lists, e.g. automatic barrier opening for company premises, factory sites,
secure areas, etc.

Enhanced security through detection of make, model and color

In addition to license plate recognition, Make-Model-Color applications also provide built- in detection of the color, make, model and type of vehicle, thus offering additional data for advanced application solutions and making it even easier to accurately identify vehicles. The video system automatically issues a warning if license plate and vehicle type do not match information in the system. The vehicle can then be blocked from entering the company premises or secure area.

Toll booths and Border crossing control
  • Faster processing at toll booths
  • Automatic border crossing control (safe and blocked lists)
Fuel theft

Fuel theft is still one of the main problems faced by gas station operators. The outstanding performance of the S74 offers reliable license plate and vehicle recognition on two 4K image sensors simultaneously at two different installation locations (e.g. gas station entrance and exit). This means fuel theft is always detected.

Law enforcement

Locating stolen vehicles or vehicles under investigation.

The Westchester Police case study in New York impressively shows how successful the search based on license plate recognition is, even from a moving police car.


Container and Dangerous Goods Detection 

Determine what and where goods are moving


Cargo handling and transport form an independent and extensive sub-sector in the transport and mobility industry. All detailed information on container and dangerous goods detection, tracking of goods and vehicles, and process optimization in freight shipping can be found in the Logistics & Freight sector.

Learn more

Traffic Flow Analysis 

Intelligent traffic control with MOBOTIX video technology


Smart cities rely on digital technology to control and manage modern traffic conditions. Intelligently linking real-time traffic monitoring with traffic lights or digital signage keeps traffic flowing. This can be used to create diversions and traffic jam. For Example, hazards can also be quickly detected and managed effectively. All these features help make traffic safer, flow better and more sustainable.


Mobility management

Traffic flow analysis (automated traffic control, digital speed indicators, diversions, etc.)

Lane management
Detect traffic behavior

Parking lot Management 

Convenient parking and accurate charging


With the help of apps, video technology can provide targeted support for parking management. It can classify vehicles and identify how many parking spaces are free or occupied.

Parking space occupancy
  1. Visual display of free parking spaces (interaction with signal lights) for convenient location of available spaces

Blocked and safe lists
  1. Access control via blocked and safe lists (license plate, brand, model and color). Identification and access for employee vehicles, permit holders, etc.

Accident tracking

Monitors and documents any accidents in the parking lot

EV charging stations

Documentation of usage and securing of EV charging stations (fault-free operation and fire prevention)


Example of use CITYWATT


Bus, Train, Taxis & Airports

Protection of means of transport and transport infrastructure

Effective, Versatile, Mobile

MOBOTIX solutions for optimal return on investment and flexibility

MOBOTIX video systems operate reliably and effectively. The combination of premium cameras, intelligent apps and professional partner support for reliable service ensure your requirements are met accurately, cost effectively and flexibly.


Talk to us. We will be happy to help you!

  • 1 Current Your Request
  • 2 Personal Data

Please tell us who you are

Your Partner Level

How can we help you?

How can we help you?

How can we help you?

MOBOTIX support is primarily available to the trained MOBOTIX partners.

The respective dealers or installers are responsible for the warranty of their customers.

Therefore, the initial contact must always be made through the responsible dealer or distributor.

The factory IP No. of your camera helps us to process your enquiry quicker. Stating the IP No. is not mandatory, though.

Need to contact MOBOTIX Support services?

Try out our new After Sales Support section, exclusive for MOBOTIX Partners, within our MOBOTIX Partner Portal. 

Simply by logging in to your Partner Portal account you can have immediate access to create and view the status of your Professional Services, Technical Support and Repair & Maintenance (RMA) requests – quickly and easily, whenever or wherever you are.

Hint: With "IP No." we refer to the factory IP Adress / serial number. You can enter multiple IP Nos. if necessary.

IP No. needs to have the format 10.[number].[number].[number]

IP Address(es) of your camera(s)

Summary of your Request

Details of your Request