Durable, Scalable and non-intrusive - That's excellent Video Security 

Edmund Rice College is a high school in southwestern Sydney. M15 and D15 cameras were installed in the outside area, while MOBOTIX i25 cameras were used inside. The audio system is used to communicate from the security center with the teachers and students on site.

Edmond Rice College AUS
Edmond Rice College AUS

Thanks to reliable video recordings, the number of cases of bullying and beatings has fallen sharply. In addition, a first case of vandalism could be clarified on the basis of the video recordings. Offenders who destroyed PC keyboards could be identified and held liable. The durability and scalability of the system was important. In addition, the low bandwidth requirements are very much appreciated. The students‘ work on the computers was at no time slowed down or influenced. Thanks to the Hemispheric technology, it was also possible to achieve greater coverage with fewer cameras.

Edmund Rice College can now look to the future with reassurance, knowing that they have a scalable, flexible security system built to last. 

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