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Remote monitoring application

Video Analytics Detection providing the end user (or response teams) live surveillance protection with two way audio.... remotely communicating with homeowners when visitors arrive or advising unwanted guests to leave, advising staff temporarily away from their post such as security guards, nurses, members of a crew... notifying them of what ever it is they would like to be notified of!

A subscription based service allowing our partners to "Brand it" as their own while at the same time earning recurring revenue.

QCam-Professional is a remote monitoring application designed primarily for the remote monitoring and auxiliary control of MOBOTIX IP video cameras. It allows the user live video and two-way voice communication with speaker equipped cameras, it has event playback, it supports multi view and is designed around the MXPEG protocol.

QCamPro remote monitors MOBOTIX IP cameras with the ability to either detect activity through the camera itself or integration with other detection devices.

Key Features & Benefits

Recurring Revenue
Live Video Link direct to Response Teams
Home Automation
Home Help for Aged Care
Two Way VoIP
Branding of the App

Contact us for further information on QCamPro app Services

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